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Our EHR was reliable. We had decent workflows.
We were organized and relatively efficient. Like many, we built our practice around our software, so for all intents and purposes, the system did the job. Yet having managed multiple practices I knew that being comfortable wasn’t our goal. Scaling requires operational efficiency at all levels so it was time to seek discomfort and embark on what turned out to be a year-long search for a new EHR. Instead of looking for something that could elevate our workflows,
We decided to question the workflows themselves.
What would the practice look like if it wasn't built around our software? If we weren't limited by the industry-standard giant? What if we thought differently? So we deconstructed the process and worked backward. We started by defining our end goal: To listen, connect, and love. To help build a healthy and resilient human that felt educated and empowered by their body's ability to adapt and heal. Perfect. Our Avatar was set.
Next, we looked at every - single - process that distracted us from that end goal. That distracted us from our WHY. Where was our time spent? What could we automate that took time away from our patients? Could our EHR automatically send educational tools? Could our EHR templatize patient care? Could we build a scalable system that enabled us to spend more time with our patients and less time "running the practice?" Spoiler alert, for us, the answer was "yes". We began our journey with a mindset centered around our WHY; this was the lens by which we evaluated every demo, every consideration for an elevated software platform. Along that journey we found ChiroHD; it checked all the boxes, so we took the leap. It's what happened next that was surprising.
The Best Part By Far Was Something We Didn't Expect
Sure, the system did all of the things we wanted, but the best part by far was something we didn't expect. It helped us automate human connection. We used the robust alert function to remind us of everything patient-specific that didn't have to do with their care, and I mean everything. As we were seeing over 100 patients a day, it became imperative to ensure it doesn't feel like 100 patients a day. Patients are people, real people with real stories, not numbers. With this in mind, the journey began, our software reminded us:
- Ask about daughter's wedding
- Graduating soon
- Just lost her mom
- Ask about trip
These gentle messages built into ChiroHD triggered authentic and meaningful conversations; so we became a part of their lives, not just their health journey. We reconnected to our WHY!
When you take a step back, you didn't become a Doctor to do SOAP notes. Something called you to teach, heal, and serve. So why not use a system that reminds you of that every single day?
It's been almost three years since my old office switched to ChiroHD; today, now I work for ChiroHD onboarding new offices, helping others reconnect with their WHY. I look back at that journey grateful that we didn't just use the EHR as an EHR.
Because after all, people are what really matter.
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